We now support the following models for video generation in Morph Studio:

Model Name Description
Text-to-Video-Morph-0.1 Our in-house model for text-to-video generation, our text-to-video model by default has a realistic tone, feel free to add descriptive adjectives to modify the style and looks of your shot.
Image-to-Video-Morph-0.1 Our in-house model for image-to-video generation, the generation result is better if you guide it with a text prompt, but text entry when using image-to-video is not required. Our model performs better compared to SVD when it comes to close up of characters and animation of objects.
Video-to-Video-Morph-0.1 Our in-house style transfer models support video-to-video renders guided by a text prompt. The primary function of this model is to change the style of your videos to a preset of our own, while keeping the characters and layout of the original video.
Image-to-Video-SVD-1.1 This is an image-to-video model powered by Stability.ai, and is best used for shots where there are clear layers within the composition (scenery shots, B-rolls, etc)

Changing the model:

Text-to-Video-Morph-0.1 is set to be the default model of any newly created shot card. Your choice of model will be changed depending on if you have uploaded an image or video. Each model also has its own set of parameters available for adjustments as shown below:


Model Settings

Model Text Prompt Camera Duration Motion Image Attachment Video Attachment Motion Brush
Text-to-Video-Morph-0.1 - - -
Image-to-Video-Morph-0.1 -
Video-to-Video_Morph-0.1 - - - - -
Image-to-Video-SVD-1.1 - - -

Setting Description



